Properly Defending Our Clients
Zaid Naoom
Thank you for your legal counsel you have given me over the past couple of years. I hope you and your family have a wonderful holiday.

Ryan K
I owe you a debt of gratitude that runs very deep over seven months. I am very thankful that you chose to pick up my case. I also appreciate your filing an appeal on my behalf and furnishing names of possible counselors to my father. With sincere gratitude.

Tyler M.
Thanks. You’re skills are highly appreciated. Thanks for helping me through one of the darkest nights (months) of my soul. Your client made a mistake and will make restitution with a grateful attitude, and will return a much wiser and stronger woman to contribute as much as possible as I can to my world. Thanks.

Name With-held for Personal Reasons
Richard L. Katzman just tried a federal felony case on July 8, 2002. The charge was Title 18, U.S.C., Sec. 922(a)(6): False Statement in Acquisition of a firearm. Richard’s client was a convincted felon although he had applied for, but not received an expungement at the time of the application for the acquisition of the firearm. The jury was out for 1 1/2 hours and came back with a not guilty verdict. Well done!

Criminal Defense Newsletter, Aug. 2002, p.3